my wife and i are going on the independence of the seas april 4, 2009. what is their to do onboard the ship while in port?
Answer :
Wow, you will have a ball. The independence is one of RC's Freedom class ships and it has:
a rock climbing wall,
an in-line roller skating track
an ice skating rink,
a full sized basketball/tennis court,
a 9 hole mini-golf course,
an surfing simulator called the Flowrider where you can surf right on ship,
a great gym with all types of equipment including a boxing ring,
a water park for kids called the H2O Zone
an adults only area called the Solarium that has a pool and two huge hot tubs,
there will be a free show every night and on two nights of your cruise there will be a free ice show performed by former Olympic skaters,
there are also other pools and hot tubs for everyone in addition to the adults only ones,
While the ship is in port the casino and stores on the promenade mall will not be open, but they will open shortly after you set sail. There is always free food in the Windjammer Cafe and via room service. You can take a look at the ship's features and take a virtual tour on RC's web site:…
I cruised on one of its sister ships the Freedom a couple years ago and it is nice.
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Port days are the best time to enjoy the public areas of the ship, because the crowds are gone. I'd head straight for the cantilevered hot tubs. Some activities might not be available, like ice skating. Ice skating is open only certain hours/days. If you like to work out or go sit in the sauna, the crowds will be much lighter. The pool will be much pleasanter, too. You won't have any trouble filling your time if you're not interested in the port.
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You will get a list of activities that are available on a daily basis at the beginning of the cruise. While in port there will still be activities on the ship. You will not be bored.
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well, you can do everything that you can do, on the sea. They might not have entertianment, but everything else. You can also eat , which is a good idea because you don't have to pay!
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It is usually a great time to get a massage, a pedicure or other salon things as they often will lower the price while you are in port.
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Spend time in the Spa, Movies in your cabin, Romantic Dinner when there's not as many on board ship. You decide !! thats the fun of it.
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